"Nyate Bareng" Become a Good Relationship between Asshiddiqiyah and Foreign Embassies

AIC (JKT) - "Nyate Bareng" Santri Asshiddiqiyah 2018 was completed on Thursday (08/23). Seven representatives of four foreign embassies attended this annual event. Those present included representatives of Japan Foundation,  United States, Australian and Moroccan embassies.

"We feel happy with good relations so far," said Emily Abraham, Assistant Cultural Attache of the United States Embassy and greeted all students.
Those who for the first time visited pesantren in Jakarta seemed enthusiastic in following that event. They also feel grateful for being invited to the pesantren. The Japan Foundation was represented by Takuma Yamaguchi as assistant director and Fujimoto Jin as program coordinator of Asia Center.

"I feel that the boys and girls are all very fortunate to be able to be in this pesantren," Boyd Whalan also gave his opinion on santri. This was immediately greeted with Yel-yel W.O.W the mainstay of the female students who managed to attract the smile of the second secretary of Australian Embassy.

Mr. Oudia Benabdellah, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Morocco to the Republic of Indonesia and Singapore also gave a surprise by attending Nyate Bareng Santri 2018. This was the first time he had visited Asshiddiqiyah since he was appointed as ambassador.

Mr. Benabdellah is the leader of parliamentary group for Liberal National Association, a representative of Casablanca-Anfa department since 2002, and a member of National Independent Political Bureau. He also received Diploma in Advanced Studies in Geography and Creation of the City, University of Sorbonne in Paris (1985) and Diploma of Architecture in Rouen in 1983. In particular, he served as Vice President of Parlement and President of the Urban Anfa Community (1999-2002).

He looked very happy when he met with the Asshiddiqiyah alumni who had studied in Morocco. Accompanied by the performances of hadrah team, saman dance and acoustic group, the ambassadors were chatting directly with santri, the students of pesantren, who were busy having grilled meat satay. They also participated in the assasment of Nyate Bareng this time. (Lyda)
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About Rumadie El-Borneo

Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah didirikan pada Bulan Rabiul Awal 1406 H ( Bulan Juli 1985 M ) oleh DR. KH. Noer Muhammad Iskandar, SQ. Dalam kapasitasnya sebagai lembaga Pendidikan, Keagamaan, dan Kemasyarakatan, Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah senantiasa eksis dan tetap pada komitmennya sebagai benteng perjuangan syiar Islam. Kini dalam usianya yang lebih dari seperempat abad, Pondok Pesantren Asshiddiqiyah telah membuka 12 Pesantren yang tersebar di beberapa daerah di pulau Jawa dan Sumatra.

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